Elias Neocleous & Co LLC Elias Neocleous & Co LLC is one of the largest and most respected law firms in south-east Europe and the Middle East. Based in Lima... Chrysses Demetriades Chrysses Demetriades & Co was founded in 1948 by the late Chrysses Demetriades, Barrister of the Middle Temple. Chrysses Demetriade... Patrikios Legal Patrikios Legal is a leading, highly recommended and multi-awarded law firm based in Cyprus. With more than 60 years of experience in t... Scordis, Papapetrou & Co LLC Scordis, Papapetrou & Co LLC is a Lawyers’ Limited Liability Company regulated by the Cyprus Law Council and the Cyprus Bar Associa... Tassos Papadopoulos & Associates Tassos Papadopoulos & Associates is a leading law firm of providing a full range of legal services. The firm maintains its principa... E. Neophytou & Partners LLC E. Neophytou and Partners LLC Law Firm was founded in 2010 by Neophytou Erricos, who is the senior partner of the firm Neophytou Christ... Chambersfield Economides Kranos Chambersfield Economides Kranos is an International Multi-Awarded Legal Firm Chambersfield Economides Kranos is an International Mult... George Y Yiangou LLC The Law firm was established by George Yiangou in 1981, providing services mainly to commercial Banks, Shipping companies, offshore com... Markides Markides & Co LLC Established in 1933, by Frixos Markides, who was considered to be a doyen of the legal profession of Cyprus, the firm is one of the old... L Papaphilippou & Co LLC L Papaphilippou & Co LLC was founded in 1963 by Loukis Papaphilippou. After three mergers and on the basis of our home grown partne...